ACE Components

The ACE Components (ICEfaces Advanced Components) are next-generation, open source ICEfaces components featuring over 80 new components, including the industry-leading ace:dataTable. The ACE Components utilize a blend of server-side and client-based rendering techniques to provide a rich, responsive user-experience with reduced network and server-side processing.



Key Features of ACE Components:

  • Leverage powerful JavaScript components from leading 3rd-party libraries, such as jQuery, YUI and PrimeFaces.
  • Shield ICEfaces application developers from having to learn/use JavaScript directly.
  • Support extensive client-side functionality to improve component richness, responsiveness, and scalability.
  • Provide a flexible and consistent approach to UI theming/skinning across all components, based on jQuery ThemeRoller themes.
  • Rich and powerful dataTable.

* The ACE components are further supported by an Advanced Development Environment (ACE) of utilities, tools, and APIs, which enable developers to implement a consistent approach to JSF component authoring, meta-data management, and automation and optimization of common JSF component development tasks.

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